Dr. Noemi Quagliati
Forschungsinstitut für Technik- und Wissenschaftsgechichte
Postdoctoral Guest Researcher
Thema und Zeitraum
- Thema: Training the Eye. Photo- Technology and German Visual Culture in the Military Context of the World Wars
- Zeitraum: 1. Januar bis 30. September 2023
- Loveno di Menaggio, Italy, Villa Vigoni: German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue, Colloquium »Visions from Above. Recent Discourses on the Cinematic Construction of Cityscapes«, 2. August 2023: Messter-Film GmbH and the Static Dynamic of Aerial Montage.
- Munich, Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, Workshop »Nomadic Camera. Photography, Displacements and Dis:conectivities«, 14. June 2023: Reflections on Photography and Flight.
- Riverside, USA (online), California Museum of Photography Conference »Camera-Centered Histories of Photography«, 02. December 2022: The Distant View Draws Closer: The Technological and Animal Infrastructure of Drone and Pigeon Photography.
- Munich, Kerschensteiner Kolleg of Deutsches Museum, Artefacts XXVII »Objects of Science and Technology in Motion«, 17. October 2022: Biography of a Film Mapping Camera for an Interpretation of Aerial Photography In-and-outside Museums of Science and Technology.
- Munich, Rachel Carson Center in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg, Methodological Workshop »After the Crisis? Rethinking Processes and Potentials of Change in Environment and Society«, 22. July 2022: The Birdscape of the Venetian Lagoon: Reflecting on the Bird’s Eye View between Art History and Animal Studies.
- Stuttgart, 36. Deutscher Kunsthistorikertag »Forum Topografische Bildmedien«, 23. March 2022: „Der Reihenbildner: Der fliegende Kino“. The Static Totality of WWI Aerial Photomontage.
- Cracow, Pedagogical University, Annual Conference of the Herder-Forschungsrats »Public History. Political Formation, Cultural Praxis and History as Science«, 26. November 2021: Aerial Photography and Public Memory in German and Polish Visual Cultures: Tracing the History of Two Photographs of Frampol.
- Berlin (online), Network Topographic Visual Media »Pasted Topographies«, 18. November 2020: The Photomosaic Map, also known as the WWI Flying Cinema.
- Milan, Fondazione Stelline, SHOT Annual Meeting »Exploring the Interface between Technology, Art, and Design«, 26. October 2019: Exchanging Perspectives Between Avant-Garde Aesthetics and Military Aerial Technology.
- Katowice, University of Silesia, ICOHTEC 46th Symposium »Technology & Power«, 24. July 2019: The Power of the Artificial Eye: Production and Reception of Aerial Photography during the World Wars.
Quagliati, Noemi: Flying Filming: Der Reihenbildner and Aerial Photomontage, in: Pasted Topographies, Boskamp, Ulrike et al. (Hrsg.) Terrain. Studien zu topografischen Bildmedien (2023), Nr. 1, S. 157–190.
https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.1323.c18469Quagliati, Noemi: Rezension zu: Marco Rasch: Das Luftbild in Deutschland von den Anfängen bis zu Albert Speer. Geschichte und Rezeption des zivilen „Stiefkindes der Luftfahrt“. Paderborn 2021. in: H-Soz-Kult, 21.03.2023, www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-99014.
Quagliati, Noemi: Histoire des appareils photographiques aériens. L’exposition Historische Luftfahrt bis 1918 et les collections insulaires du Deutsches Museum, Munich, in: L'image verticale. Politiques de la vue aérienne, Sandoz M.; Weber A. (Hg.) Transbordeur. Photographie, Histoire, Société (2022), Nr. 6, S. 98-111. https://transbordeur.ch/fr/2022/histoire-appareils-photographiques-aeriens-deutsches-museum/
Quagliati, Noemi: Playing Hide-and-Seek in the German Press: Presence and Absence of Camouflage in WWI Narrations, in: Vulcan (Brill) The Journal of the History of Military Technology (2022), Nr. 9, S. 18-49. https://doi.org/10.1163/22134603-09010003
Quagliati, Noemi: Training the Eye: Production and Reception of Aerial Photography during the World Wars, in: AUC Geographica 55 (2020), Nr. 1, S. 93-111. https://doi.org/10.14712/23361980.2020.6
Ausführlicher Lebenslauf
Europass CV
Europass CV
Quagliati_CV_2022.pdf (PDF 169 KB)