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„System Stadt“ Ausstellungsbereich Deutsches Museum Nürnberg Photo: Daniel Karmann | Daniel Karmann
Museological research
Future Scenarios
The aim of the project is to initiate a reciprocal transfer of knowledge between the tim and the Deutsches Museum Nürnberg. In cooperation between the two institutions, a complete picture of the past and future of a diverse urban society is to be interlinked in an exemplary manner and made accessible to a broad public via various digital offerings.
Amigra Reaching Out - History and future of a diverse urban society
Funded by
Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2021-2027
- Museological research
- Deutsches Museum Nürnberg
Project description
Under the title DIWA4.0 - The Inclusive Us in Augsburg, a project consortium led by the Office for Social Integration Augsburg has succeeded in obtaining funding from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) for 14 sub-projects.
The aim of sub-project 11: Amigra Reaching Out is to make the respective expertise of tim and the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg mutually beneficial, process it in media form and make it available to as many people as possible in attractive multimedia applications. The aim is to make the users of the media offerings into sovereign cultural actors in dealing with the past and present of social diversity.
The tim, which has been working intensively on the topic of migration history for years, has already demonstrated its historical expertise in this socio-cultural field with the successful development of the Amigra app. This expertise will now benefit the DMN, from whose high level of expertise on future issues the Augsburg museum hopes to profit. One full-time position each in Augsburg and Nuremberg is to initiate the transfer of knowledge and lead to new media applications. The app development for the Nuremberg Topography of Migration History is just the beginning. The development of a joint website marks the next step in the cooperation. However, this website is not only intended to significantly deepen and expand the information that is inevitably shortened in an app. It is also about providing practical impulses that enable interested citizens to become active researchers in their own neighborhoods by introducing them to archive work, guiding them in interview techniques and enabling them to conduct image research. The third goal of the cooperation between Augsburg and Nuremberg is the development of a media table that makes future scenarios of a migrant society accessible and tangible as a multimedia station. In a participatory process that involves local migrant communities, the aim is to develop concrete utopias of social coexistence - not least in dealing with the notorious megatrends that seek to anticipate general visions of the future.