![[Translate to English:] Ein Tisch mit erklärtem Essen in der Ausstellung](/assets/Forschung/Forschungsinstitut/Bilder/Projekte/NewFoodSystems/Forschung_New_food_systems_Foto.jpg)

Planung und Einrichtung eines virtuellen Besucherlabors Photo: Atelier Brückner GmbH, 2018 | Atelier Brückner GmbH, 2018
Museological research
Planning and installation of a virtual Visitor Laboratory
Bringing the future to life – here and now: the time machine in the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg offers this possibility, sending our visitors on a scientific mission to the Nuremberg of the year 2050.
TH Köln: Planning and installation of a virtual Visitor Laboratory
Funded by
Freistaat Bayern
- Museological research
Project description
The goal of this venture is to develop and install a virtual Visitor Laboratory in the Deutsches Museum Nürnberg, enabling visitors to “experience technology-futures”. The project encompasses both content and concept development as well as the technical implementation. According to plans, from the end of 2020 a functional prototype will be tested in Nürnberg with regular visitors. Over the following three years the operation of the lab will be accompanied by research, enabling the continuous adaptation of its technology and content. The research infrastructure thus created is designed for permanent use and will be the core element in the follow-up BMBF research application on “Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces – innovative technologies for a digital society”.