![[Translate to English:] Ein Tisch mit erklärtem Essen in der Ausstellung](/assets/_processed_/f/5/csm_Forschung_New_food_systems_Foto_fccd562e8c.jpg)
Hands-on station „Dished up“ at the Deutschen Museum Nuremberg Photo: Source: Innovationsraum NewFoodSystems/ Janosch Gruschczyk
Museological research
Innovationsraum: NewFoodSystems – EDiBLe
Global warming, the growing world population and declining biodiversity pose major challenges for our food systems. How are new technical developments affecting society and our food?
„Innovationsraum: NewFoodSystems – EdiBLe“ (Development Of Dialogue Formats On The Bioeconomy In Food Systems)
Funded by
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, “Innovationsräume Bioökonomie
- Museological research
Edited by
Maike Schlegel
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Project description
Global food systems are facing major challenges in terms of sustainability and security of supply. The consortium “Innovationsraum: NewFoodSystems“ is examining and developing new strategies for resource-efficient production and processing methods as well as food safety in order to advance the transition to a bioeconomy. As part of the Deutsches Museum research project, various science communication formats are being developed and realised, including an event day and a special exhibition at the Deutsches Museum Nuremberg. The accompanying visitor research is focusing on the perception and acceptance of the research fields by the interested public.
Further links
[Translate to English:] NewFoodSystems - BMBF