Photo: Deutsches Museum | Christian Illing
Welcome to the
Library of the Deutsches Museum
The library is aimed at anyone interested in science, technology and their history. It is open to the public and no entrance fees are charged.
Find and order books
The library is a reference library. This means that all of the almost one million volumes in our collection are always available, including the 1700 current journals. However, a reference library also means that we do not offer home loans.
Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums
Museumsinsel 1
80538 München
Telephone +49 89 2179 224
Fax +49 89 2179 226
Email bibliothek@deutsches-museum.de
Opening hours
Täglich, auch Samstag und Sonntag und an einzelnen Feiertagen, von 9-17 Uhr.
Schließtage: 1. Januar, Faschingsdienstag, Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, 1. Mai, Pfingstsonntag, Fronleichnam, 1. November, 24./25. Dezember und 31. Dezember.
Arrival and accessibility
Lageplan des Deutschen Museums auf der Museumsinsel mit Anbindung an den öffentlichen Nahverkehr. Photo: Deutsches Museum
Location of the library
The entrance to the library is located in the museum courtyard, opposite the museum building.
Information for visitors with limited mobility