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Blick in die Sonderausstellung "Simpel komplex lebendig" im Deutschen Museum.Photo: Deutsches Museum
  • Special exhibition
Last date on 14. January 2023

Simple, Complex, Alive

The special exhibition "Simple, Complex, Alive" deals with the question of what constitutes life and how it came into being.

  • Adults, Family and children, Young people

How did molecules become life? Before the first humans, before the dinosaurs, before the oldest bacteria, there was a first life form: probably unicellular, maybe something even simpler. How exactly it emerged remains unknown. The Collaborative Research Center „ Emergence of Life" invites you to explore the diverse work of its scientists.

How did simple molecules on Early Earth become complex? How did these complex molecules give rise to the very first life? Where on Earth did these fundamental first steps take place?

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