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Here you can explore different worlds of science with the marble run, night sky and shadow theatre to a hall of mirrors and music room.

Plan a visit

We look forward to your visit to the Kids' Kingdom

How to find us
Between the Modern Aviation aeroplanes on level 0, a staircase leads down to Kids' Kingdom If you want to use the lift, we will be happy to help you on site. At the top of the stairs you will find our access traffic light, which indicates with red, yellow or green whether a visit is currently possible.

Everyone can join in
Kids' Kingdom is for all children aged 3 to 8 accompanied by an adult. We offer many hands-on stations as well as tactile models and activities in German sign language. Most of the stations can also be explored with a wheelchair.

A good start for a visit to the museum
The Kids' Kingdom team will help you to make the most of your museum visit. Here you will find exciting insights into the museum and plenty of space for action and recreation.

Further visit information at the bottom of the page.

Highlights in the children's kingdom

Fire engine

Find out more about the most important part of a fire engine and the firefighters' protective equipment. You can also climb into the driver's cab of the fire engine and switch on the blue lights. In the control centre you can practise for an operation.


Flying without an engine? It's possible with a muscle-powered aeroplane. Just like a bicycle, the aeroplane is controlled with your hands and propelled with your legs.

You can try it out for yourself with the pedalocopter. Can you manage to get the propeller moving?

Where else can you discover aeroplanes in the Deutsches Museum? Why not take a look at the exhibitions Historical Aviation, Modern Aviation and the Schleißheim Aerodrome.

Water area

In the water area with its current channel, sluice and crane, you can explore and experiment with the powers of water. Please remind your accompanying adults to bring a change of clothes for you.

“I really, really, really liked it. I definitely want to come back. It was so cool!”
Dyen, age 5

Giant Guitar

Not only is it possible to play the giant guitar – you can also crawl inside it!
Pluck one of its strings. What do you feel? Use your hands to feel the sound’s vibrations on the walls of the guitar.
The hollow wooden body enhances the sound of the instrument. Count the guitar strings! The giant guitar is a replica of a very old guitar and therefore only has five strings.

You can find more musical instruments in the Musical Instruments Exhibition.

“I like the guitar – it’s really big. I wish I was that big.”
Luka, aged 6

Marble run

With the ball track you can discover the laws of gravity. Observe the path of the balls and find out which balls roll the fastest. You can build your own marble run in the outdoor construction area.

The scientist Galileo Galilei also carried out experiments with balls. He discovered that things move faster the closer they get to the earth.

Balls for the track can be bought with a €1 coin from the ball machine.

Programme in Kids' Kingdom

Kinder spielen am Wasserspielplatz des Kinderreiches
Junge sitzt auf dem großen Feuerwehrauto im Kinderreich.

Facts and figures

  • 1,195 square metres of exhibition space
  • approx. 30 media stations and demonstrations
  • 1 interactive diorama
  • 4 tactile models
  • 1 tactile children's book
  • Workshop area
  • Dining area

Important information for your visit to the Kinderreich

Celebrate a child's birthday at the Deutsches Museum:

Robotik für Grundschulen Kinder
Blick in das Kinderreich mit Erklär-Wand, als Einführung in das Kinderreich.

Accessibility and inclusion in the Kids' Kingdom

  • Blick in das Kinderreich mit Erklär-Wand, als Einführung in das Kinderreich.

    Photo: Deutsches Museum | Hubert Czech


    The Kinderreich is barrier-free and offers many inclusive hands-on stations. Most of the stations can also be explored in a wheelchair.

  • At the information desk in the Kinderreich, the staff will give you information about what is on offer in the Kinderreich and you can borrow equipment:
    • Fire helmet for a €10 deposit
    • Star map for a €10 deposit
    • Treasure map to discover four tactile models for children with visual impairments
    • Interactive and tactile children's book "Oh Schreck, Elise is gone!" for people with visual impairments
  • Here you can also get information on guided tours for children or on offers and exhibitions that are exciting for you.

You have specialist questions for our curator?

Tips for families and children

Don’t miss out!Interactive programmes and workshops take place regularly in the Kids’ Kingdom!

Books for Children

These Exhibitions are particularly interesting for Children:

Modell "Restaurant Los Manantiales". Im Hintegrund das Schalungsmodell.

Bridges and Hydraulic Engineering

Across several levels, you will see how waterways are managed and how locks work, discover how bridges are built and, perhaps most importantly of all, why they remain standing.

Ausschnitt des Periodensystems der Elemente in der Ausstellung Chemie.


From alchemy to modern everyday life: explore the science of substances and follow its evolution from the Middle Ages. Discover which elements play a role in our everyday lives and enjoy spectacular demonstrations!

Überdimensionales Modell eines Herzens


Get healthy – and stay that way! Walk in and around a giant body and uncover how medicines and medical technology keep us healthy. You can even slip into the role of doctor yourself!

Prototyp eines Fendt Traktors mit Tastmodell

Agriculture and Food

Plants, animals and machines: across several thematic areas with numerous interactive elements, you will learn about the origins of our “daily bread” – and discover its impact and adverse effects on our health and the environment.

Drei Mitmach-Stationen zum Thema Parkettierungen. An der Wand befindet sich ein Ausschnitt einer Penrose-Parkettierung.


Games + exhibits + applications: across the Perspective, Dimension and Symmetry areas of the exhibition, this formula demonstrates the extent to which mathematics is a part of our everyday lives.

Klaviertastatur „Dulchen und Sohn“.

Musical Instruments

From the Renaissance to the present day: whether it’s the harpsichord, saxophone or synthesiser, here you can explore the most important stages in the development of instruments in the European musical tradition.