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Verschieden farbige Objekte aus dem 3D-Drucker. Unter anderem drei Kreisel, einige Untersätzer, ein Berliner Ampelmännchen, eine Vase, eine kleine Nachbildung des schiefen Turm von Pisa und drei Moai-Köpfe.Photo: Deutsches Museum
  • Workshop

3D printing workshop

Experience how objects grow layer by layer in the 3D printer, try out modelling on the computer yourself or test the "3D printing by hand".

  • Adults, Family and children, Young people
  • , to

Our drop-in programme provides an introduction to the topic of 3D printing. How do you build a model with the CAD programme that you want to print? How does the printer know what to do? What is possible and what are the limits?

Also inspect fascinating objects from the laser-sintering process - kindly provided by EOS.

More about the Tech and Tinkering Lab

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