Photo: Deutsches Museum
From the early glider to the Eurofighter
Exhibits at the Flugwerft Schleißheim
Sailplanes and powered gliders
- Akaflieg München Mü 10 Milan, 1934
- Horten H IV, 1943
- Grunau Baby II, 1944
- Condor IV, 1953
- Schulgleiter SG 38, 1954
- HKS 3, 1955
- Fauvel AV-36CR, 1957
- Schleicher Ka 6BR, 1958
- Olympia Meise, 1959
- Krähe IV, 1964
- Phoebus C, 1967
- SZD-9 Bocian, 1970
- Akaflieg Karlsruhe AK-1, 1971
- Akaflieg Stuttgart fs 29, 1975
- Akaflieg München Mü 27, 1979
- Valentin Taifun 17E, 1985
- Akaflieg Braunschweig SB 13, 1988
Sport and touring aircraft
Hanggliders and UL-aircraft
Military aircraft - First world war
Military aircraft - Second world war
Military aircraft - Cold war
Early days of aviation
Aircraft engines
Piston engines:
- Körting 8 SL 116, 1908 (in Ausstellung Frühzeit)
- Rumpler Aeolus, 1910 (in Ausstellung Frühzeit)
- Argus Typ 4, 1912
- Oberursel U III, 1915
- Daimler D IV, 1916
- Wright-Lawrance L 4, 1920
- BMW M2B 15, 1921
- Salmson AD 3, 1923
- Haacke HFM 3, 1924
- Farman 12 WE, 1925
- Junkers L 5, 1925
- Hirth HM 60, 1931
- BMW 132A, 1933
- DH Gipsy-Major, 193
- Walter Mikron 4-II, 1936
- Daimler-Benz DB 601, 1937
- Jumo 211F, 1941
- BMW 801 TJ, 1944
- BMW 803, 1944
- Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp, 1950
- Pratt & Whitney Wasp, 1953
- Alvis Leonides, 1960
- Lycoming TIO-360, 1979
- Porsche PFM 3200, 1984
Jet engines:
- Jumo 004, 1944
- Klimow RD-45, 1950
- Allison J 33A, 1953
- Wright J 65, 1955
- Orenda 14, 1957
- Bristol Orpheus 703, 1960
- Rolls-Royce RB 162, 1962
- RR / MTU RB 145R, 1963
- General Electric J 79, 1964
- RR / MTU RB 193, 1965
- Rolls-Royce Pegasus 5, 1966
- RR / Snecma M 45 H, 1971
- Tumansky R-29, 1980
- RB 199-101, 1982
- RB 199-104, 1994
Turbo shaft engines:
- Bristol Siddeley Double Mamba, 1960
- Lycoming T 53, 1961
- Allison 250, 1965