Photo: Deutsches Museum
Historical radio station in Flugwerft Schleißheim
An active radio station has been set up in the tower of the Flugwerft. Using historical equipment, amateur radio operators usually carry out telegraphic operations at the station every Tuesday morning on 7036 kHz, under the code DN1FWS Most of the operational radio exhibits and radio navigation technology originate from the period between 1930 and 1960.
Radio technology has enjoyed a long tradition at the Flugwerft. As early as the First World War, crews were trained here in the use of radio equipment at the Fliegerfunkerschule (aeronautical radio school). A large amount of the equipment from that time has been preserved in our museum and is exhibited in the Flugwerft. In the 1920s and 1930s, one of the eleven airport radio stations of the German Reich was located here. The view of the airfield was dominated by the facility’s two 47.5-metre-high masts, which were important for air traffic control.

Numerous devices for training have been preserved from the time of the flying corps. Photo: Deutsches Museum
The school for flight radio operators
On the first floor of the Kommandantur there is a reproduction of the teaching process within the aeronautical radio school, housed here during the First World War. At that time course content and exercises for the students were compiled by Franz Fuchs, a curator of the German Museum. One of the most important skills for radio operators was knowing Morse code. The Morse code equipment they required, along with various teaching devices, are on display in the aeronautical radio school. The exhibits all come from the school’s inventory, which was presented to the Deutsches Museum by the Bavarian Soviet government following the school’s dissolution in 1919. They reflect the level of communications technology during the First World War.