Dr. Panagiotis Poulopoulos
Main Department of Technology
Scientific Associate
Deutsches Museum
80306 Munich
+49 89 2179 455
+49 89 2179 513
Email p.poulopoulos@deutsches-museum.de
Curriculum Vitae
- 2007-2011
Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Organology (musical instrument studies), The University of Edinburgh - 2006-2007
Master (M.Mus.) in “Musical Instrument Research”, The University of Edinburgh - 1997-2002
BA in Conservation and Restoration of Antiquities and Works of Art, TEI Athens
Exhibitions / Projects
- Redesign of the “Energy – Steam” exhibition
- Permanent exhibition „Energy – Motors“, Deutsches Museum (opening 2022)
- Scientific treatment of the topic "Sébastien Erard and the development of the modern harp" for the permanent exhibition "Musical Instruments" at Deutsches Museum, Munich (2014 - 2021)
- Collaboration on the conception of the new permanent exhibition "Musical Instruments" at Deutsches Museum, Munich (2012-2014, together with S. Neumann and S. Berdux), conducting a visitor survey (2013)
Curation of the special exhibition "Three Centuries of Instrument-making in Edinburgh" as part of the project "New Life behind Glass: A Series of Exhibitions of Historic Musical Instruments and Music", St Cecilia's Hall Museum of Instruments, Edinburgh, UK (08/10 to 06/11)
Conception and organization of projects and events
- Conception and organization of the international workshop „The Early Pedal Harp as a Museum Artefact: Research-Conservation-Presentation“ aat the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Deutsches Museum, Munich, November 29th and 30th, 2018.
- Conception and coordination of the workshop “The exhibit in focus: Object-based research in the museum” for the 28th Federal Voluntary Conference “Research at Museums and Cultural Institutions”, Museum Education Center Munich, Munich, March 1st and 2nd, 2018 (together with R. Wolf ).
- Conception and moderation of the Monday colloquium “Sound Research in the Museum” for the summer semester 2017 at the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Deutsches Museum, Munich, August 2016 to August 2017 (together with R. Wolf). program
- Conception and moderation of the panel session “Musical Instruments in Museums of Different Origins and Profiles: An Assessment of New Displays” for the Annual Conference of the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music (CIMCIM), MiCo, Milan, 3rd to 4th July 9, 2016.
- Conception and moderation of the panel session “New Media for Musical Instrument Collections: Trend, Luxury or Necessity?” for the Annual Conference of CIMCIM “Musical Instruments: History, Science and Culture”, Oxford, July 25th to 29th, 2013 (together with S. Berdux and S. Neumann).
- Participation in the creation and communication of the online forum „The Early Pedal Harp“, 2019.
- Conception and realization of a database of preserved harps from the Erard company (London) since 2016.
- Conception and coordination of a visitor survey for the new permanent exhibition “Musical Instruments” in the Deutsches Museum, April to September 2013 (together with S. Berdux and S. Neumann).
- Conception and coordination of the project “New Life behind Glass: A Series of Exhibitions of Historic Musical Instruments and Music”. St Cecilia's Hall Museum of Instruments, Edinburgh, August 2010 to June 2011.
- Organization of preventive conservation and restoration of historical paintings and art prints. Talbot Rice Gallery, The University of Edinburgh, May to August 2010.
- Scientific processing of instrument science topics in the “EUCHMI Web Content and Workshop Design” project. The University of Edinburgh, November 2009 to July 2010.
- Organization of the “Condition Survey and Conservation Project for Brass and Metal Woodwind Instruments” project. Reid Concert Hall Museum of Instruments, Edinburgh, September 2008 to July 2010.
Memberships and participation in committees
- ICOM Deutschland (seit 2012)
- CIMCIM (seit 2012)
- Advisory Executive Board Member der CIMCIM (2016-2019)
- ICON Scotland (2010-2011)
- Founding Member, Consortium for Guitar Research, University of Cambridge (seit 2010)
- Galpin Society (seit 2008)
- Griechischer Verband der Restauratoren (seit 2002)