Photo: Deutsches Museum

Photo: Deutsches Museum

Photo: Deutsches Museum
Photography and Film
The camera obscura was made by the Augsburg instrument maker Georg Friedrich Brander in the second half of the 18th century.

Photo: Deutsches Museum, München | Reinhard Krause Deutsches Museum
Photography and Film
View of the large showcase that runs through the entire exhibition space. More than 60 objects, along with graphics, texts and integrated screens, tell the story of the development of the cultural techniques of photography and film in the showcase.

Photo: Deutsches Museum, München | Reinhard Krause Deutsches Museum
Photography and Film
More than 500 objects are on display on the inside of the large showcase. In addition, there are various themed islands here, in which, among other things, "The New Desire for Pictures" and "Instant Photography" are illustrated with the latest camera technology.