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Indication of a Nazi withdrawal due to persecution? Entry in the inventory book of the Deutsches Museum dated 19.1.1939. Photo: Deutsches Museum | Bernhard Wörrle
Provenance research
Suspect Provenances
Between 1933 and 1945, not only art and antiquities, but also scientific instruments, technical devices, and everyday objects were systematically seized from the Jewish population by the Nazi regime. The project examines the collection of the Deutsches Museum for objects with such a provenance.
Suspect Provenances - Research on Nazi-confiscated Cultural Property in the Collection of Deutsches Museum
Funded by
Financed by the Deutsches Museum
- Provenance research
- Collection and object research
Edited by
Christine Bach
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für Provenienzforschung
Dr. Bernhard Wörrle
Leitung Abteilung MMS – Museums-Management-System
Project description
With this project, the museum is fulfilling its political and moral obligation arising from the Washington Declaration of 1998 to identify cultural objects in the collection that were seized as a result of Nazi persecution and, if necessary, to return them to their rightful owners.
The focus is on acquisitions made between 1933 and 1945. Around 300 suspicious cases of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution were already identified during a pre-check in 2021, for which a more detailed examination of injustice seems appropriate. The primary task of the project is to clarify these suspected cases as far as possible through provenance research and, if necessary, to provide the basis for finding a fair and just solution in the sense of the Washington Declaration.
Magazine camera from the property of the Jewish metal wholesaler Nathan Grünsfelder, Munich, delivered by the liquidator of the company in January 1939. Deutsches Museum, Inv.-Nr. 69008. Photo: Deutsches Museum
Secondly, the project expands the focus of the pre-check from 2021: not only relevant names and terms, provenances from the art and antiquities trade, and acquisitions from private individuals, but also acquisitions from companies will be systematically examined. In particular, acquisitions from Jewish companies that were liquidated or "aryanized" under National Socialism are to be identified as potentially incriminated suspicious cases and researched in detail.
Another object of research are acquisitions after 1945 for which an earlier Nazi provenance cannot be ruled out. An example is the art, antiquities, minerals and music collection of the Pforzheim metal and machine manufacturer Max Bühler, which was taken over by the museum in 1995.
- Wörrle, Bernhard: Wo anfangen? Ein Grob-Survey zu möglichen NS-Provenienzen am Deutschen Museum.In: Hellfritzsch, Ron / Groß, Sören / Mappes, Timo (Hrsg.) 2022: Technisches Kulturgut. Zirkulation, Ansammlungen und Dokumente des Entzugs zwischen 1933 und 1945. Stiftung Deutsches Optisches Museum, Jena: S. 14-20. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.25366/2022.35. Printausgabe: 2022 Sandstein Verlag, Dresden).
- Wörrle, Bernhard: Angebote aus der Not. Das Deutsche Museum und die Firma Louis Seliger & Sohn oder Was Erwerbungen aus der NS-Zeit (nicht) erzählen.In: Der Blog des Deutschen Museums, 6.1.2023.
Lectures and Events
- Wörrle, Bernhard 23.9.2021: Jena, Deutsches Optisches Museum, Workshop: Historische technische Instrumente. Zirkulation, Ansammlungen und Dokumente des Entzugs zwischen 1933 und 1945. Vortrag: Wo anfangen? Ein erster Grob-Survey zu möglichen NS-Provenienzen am Deutschen Museum.
- Wörrle, Bernhard 7.12.2021: München, Deutsches Museum, AK Forschung. Vortrag: NS-Raubgut – am Deutschen Museum (k)ein Thema?
- Wörrle, Bernhard 7.2.2023: München, Deutsches Museum, AK Forschung. Vortrag: Verdächtige Provenienzen. Recherche nach NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenem Kulturgut im Bestand des Deutschen Museums.
- Bach, Christine 30.3.2023: Jena, Deutsches Optisches Museum, Fachtagung: Provenienzforschung Technisches Kulturgut. Händler, Museen und Sammlungen. Moderation: Panel "NS-Unrechtskontexte".
- Bach, Christine 12.4.2023: München, Programm des Forschungsverbunds Provenienzforschung Bayern zum 5. Internationalen Tag der Provenienzforschung. Kurzvortrag: Provenienzforschung im Deutschen Museum. Zur Biographie technischer Kulturgüter.
- Bach, Christine / Wörrle, Bernhard 19./20.10.2023: München, Deutsches Museum. Veranstaltung: 2. Vernetzungstreffen der AG Technisches Kulturgut im Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e. V.
Further links
Provenance research at Deutsches Museum
https://www.deutsches-museum.de/museum/provenienzforschungAG Technisches Kulturgut im Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung
https://www.arbeitskreis-provenienzforschung.org/arbeitsgruppen/ag-technik/Guidelines for the implementation of the Washington Principles
https://www.kulturgutverluste.de/Webs/EN/Research/Guidelines/Index.htmlLeitfaden Provenienzforschung NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenes Kulturgut