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Im Büchermagazin werden fast 1 Million Bände aufbewahrt. Photo: Deutsches Museum | CC BY-SA 4.0 | Fotografie DM
Collection and object research
Book digitization with Google Books
Since 2017, the library of the Deutsches Museum has been digitizing its out-of-copyright literature. More than 50,000 works can already be found on Google Books.
Cooperation with Google in the digitization of out-of-copyright literature
- Collection and object research
- Deutsches Museum - Museumsinsel
- Forschung
Edited by
Christian Winkler
Leitung Benutzungsbetrieb der Bibliothek
Project description
In a public-private partnership with Google Books, the library of the Deutsches Museum is digitizing its out-of-copyright literature. In the main phase of the project, from 2017 to 19, more than 50,000 works were digitized and are already available on Google Books. In the following years, the library will continue to cooperate with Google to digitize the works that become available due to the expiration of copyright periods, as well as patent specifications, address directories, and trade directories from its collection. In the future, these sources, which are important for historical research, will be available in the library catalog and in the Deutsches Museum Digital.
Eva Bunge: „Boutique-Digitalisierung vs. Massengeschäft: ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums“, Frankfurt am Main: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spezialbibliotheken, 04.09.2019.
Further links
Presentation of the library at Google Arts & Culture