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Dr. Michaela Meier

Main Department of Technology

Raw materials, mining departmentCurator


Deutsches Museum
80306 Munich

Telephone +49 89 2179 417
Fax +49 892179 99350
Email m.meier@deutsches-museum.de

Curriculum Vitae

Higher Education

Doctorate in the field of geophysics at the University of Bremen on the subject of “Ultraslow Spreading Processes”, Germany

2015 – 2018
MSc, Marine Geosciences Studies, University of Bremen, Germany

2012 – 2015
BSc, Geosciences Studies, University of Bremen, Germany

Berufliche Tätigkeiten

Seit 2023
Curator for raw materials, mining at the Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany

2022 – 2023
Research Associate and Project Manager (from 08/2022) in the project coordination of the joint research project “Geothermal Energy Alliance Bavaria” at the Technical University of Munich, Germany

2018 – 2022
Research Associate in the Geophysics Section of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, in the project “KNIPAS – Knipovich Ridge Passive Seismic Experiment”, Germany

Exhibitions / Projects

  • Accompanying the clearance of the mine in implementation phase 2, Deutsches Museum (2023)
