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Marion Pellowski

Main Department of Natural Sciences

Scientific Associate


Deutsches Museum
80306 Munich

Telephone +49 89 2179 320
Fax +49 892179 99350
Email m.pellowski@deutsches-museum.de

Curriculum Vitae

Professional activities

since 2016
Research assistant at the Deutsches Museum

2019 – 2023
Research assistant at TUMlab and Didactics Laboratory of the TUMlab

2000 – 2016
Freelance work for
Deutsches Museum, Museumspädagogisches Zentrum MPZ, Agentur Mädchen in Wissenschaft und Technik an der TUM, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst SMÄK, Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung ALP in Dillingen, Institut für Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung ILF in Mainz

1992 – 2003
Teacher at the private teaching institute Paukstudio Moos Didaktikum, Munich,
Teaching subjects maths, physics, computer science

University education

1991 – 1992
Course Digital Equipment GmbH, training centre in Unterföhring, "Practice-oriented system development under VMS and UNIX"

1984 – 1991
Studied physics at the Philipps University of Marburg and at TUM,

Diploma thesis at the Munich FRM research reactor, Garching

Project participation (selection)

  • BMBF project "Quantum(T)Spaces - networked outreach concept for the application potential of quantum technology"
  • Cooperation project with Micron Technology "Microchips under the spotlight" in the Tech and Tinkering Lab
  • BMBF project "Science Year 2023 The Universe, Stars, Images and Fictions"
  • Erasmus Plus project "Hands-on-Remote" (Hands-on student experiments with virtual support at remote locations), German module 'Automation in Miniature'
  • BMBF project "Catching up after Corona" action programme for children and young people
  • School class programmes, holiday programmes, research questionnaires
  • "Artineer-Club" project - a programme that combines "Art + Engineering"
  • "Museum on Demand" project - a 'dive-in' programme for digital interactions, German Federal Cultural Foundation
  • Didactics workshop of the TUMlab in the Forum of Technology
  • Co-operation project with Audioversum and MED-EL: "Hearing Workshop"
  • Opening of the Tech and Tinkering Lab
  • "(Eco-)Energy_interactive" - tablet-based tours through the exhibitions Power Machines, Energy Technology and Environment


  • Lela Prize 2023 category 'School Lab Digital', 3rd prize for the project "Hands-on-Remote: Automation in Miniature", TUMlab at the Deutsches Museum


  • 2016, Co-Autorin „Spurensuche in den Dauerausstellungen des Deutschen Museums“
    in „Willkommen im Anthropozän“, Reihe „Wissen vertiefen“, Hrg. Traudel Weber und Daniela Menge, München, Deutsches Museum Verlag 2016)

Lectures (selection)

with a focus on interactive science education

  • in the series Frauen Technik Wissen: Microchips under the spotlight, Lise Meitner - alone among men, The physics of musical instruments, The art of seeing mathematics, From the power station to the socket
  • Experimental lectures at the Kerschensteiner Kolleg: The physics of musical instruments, Exploring the sky, Air and flying, Electrical and magnetic phenomena, Electricity from the socket
  • Science shows for the Symphony Orchestra Christi Himmelfahrt: Rosin - a tool for strings, Music from the tube, Sounding vibrating surfaces