Biblis Nuclear Power Plant. Photo: Christian Götter
Man and Enivronment
Splitting Societies
Public debates about nuclear energy have always been about more than a technology. Its advocates and critics have tied their arguments to fundamental questions, turning the ‘Peaceful Atom’ into an anchor for societal conflicts – and the debates about it into a probe for the self-perception of societies.
Splitting Societies – Local Debates About Nuclear Energy in Britain and Germany
Funded by
The project (Funding Reference Number 01UL1706X) is, as part of the funding format “Kleine Fächer – Große Potenziale”, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Man and Enivronment
- Energy and Sustainability
- Environmental history
Edited by
Dr. Christian Götter
BMBF-Projekt "Die lokale Geschichte der Kernenergie in BRD und GB"
Project description
Nuclear energy was at the heart of one of the most heated conflicts many civil societies were engaged in during the second half of the 20th century. Arguing that these conflicts were never limited to just an energy technology, this environmental history takes a cultural history of technology approach to analyse the debates about the ‘Peaceful Atom’ in the context of six atomic power plants in Britain and Germany from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Fields of Conflict Tied to Nuclear Energy
This study focuses on six salient fields interwoven with the nuclear debates, carving out the differences of British and German cultures of debate; the importance of trust in local experts varying in time and place; the differing value placed on emotional expressions in political arguments in Britain and Germany; the drawn-out conflict between diverse concepts of rationality and the partial devaluation of the conception in itself; the shifting balance between representative democracy and participatory elements as a precondition for the technology’s public acceptance; and the crucial role played by different utopian as well as dystopian visions in the formation and motivation of the pro- and anti-nuclear camps.
An International Comparison of Local Histories
Focussing on the public debates in and around Stade, Biblis, Lingen, Hinkley Point, Oldbury and Torness, the analysis is designed as an international comparison of six local histories. It combines the central benefits of local approaches with those of comparative methods, allowing for broader insights while paying attention to details in the ongoing, dynamic debates about nuclear power.
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