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  • Special exhibition
Last date on 09. November 2025

Thin ice. A climate expeditition

With exciting exhibits and many hands-on activities, the exhibition shows what it is like to conduct research in the Arctic and how climate change is particularly evident there.

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Humanity is skating on very thin ice. Climate change is becoming increasingly noticeable even in our temperate latitudes. And even more so in the Arctic, where the climate has already changed significantly. This is the result of the "Polarstern" expedition, which started in 2019. You can find out how the researchers travelled, what exactly they did and what challenges they faced in the special exhibition at the Verkehrszentrum transport museum. "Thin Ice - Join us on a Climate Expedition" shows exciting exhibits - from the hut for the polar bear watch to the weather balloon - and invites you to slip into the role of a climate researcher yourself with many hands-on activities.

In cooperation with the Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.

  • Logo Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin.
  • AWI (Alfred-Wegener-Institut) Logo

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