Photo: Deutsches Museum | Christian Illing
Special exhibitions in the Verkehrszentrum
The special exhibitions at the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum offer diverse insights into a wide range of topics - far beyond mobility and technology. They invite visitors to discover new perspectives and explore fascinating developments of our time.
From 22 November 2024
Photo: Deutsches Museum / Illustration: SDTB/ Studio Neue Museen, Francesca Sciarmella
Thin Ice – Come along on a climate expedition!
From 22 November 2024 to 8 November 2025 in Hall I in the Verkehrszentrum transport museum
Humanity is skating on very thin ice. Climate change is becoming increasingly noticeable even in our temperate latitudes. And even more so in the Arctic, where the climate has already changed dramatically. This is the result of the "Polarstern" expedition, which started in 2019. You can find out how the researchers travelled, what exactly they did and what challenges they faced in the special exhibition "Thin Ice" at the Verkehrszentrum transport museum.
The exhibition takes visitors on a climate expedition. School classes and families experience what it is like to do research in the Arctic. They measure the thickness of the ice, search for microorganisms and find out how long there will still be multi-year ice. It becomes clear: The Arctic is our early warning system. And the warning is clear. There is little time left. We must act now to prevent a climate catastrophe.
More about the Thin Ice exhibition