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QUANTA – “QUANTic” for beginners – Development and testing of a toolkit for teaching quantum technologies: making qubits, superposition and entanglement tangible

Funded by


Edited by

  • Gabriele Kramer

    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Leitung Kinder / Jugend / SonderprogrammeStellvertretende Leitung Hauptabteilung Bildung

  • Susanne Grube

    BMBF Projekt "Quanta"DM Nürnberg

Project description

Project funded in the scope of the BMBF funding measure Quantum aktiv. The focus of the project is to enable interdisciplinary cooperation in the scientifically and socially highly relevant field of quantum technology. It offers a special opportunity to create to new perspectives in regard to this technology by incorporating different target groups and a holistic view of its foreseen potentials. To this end, the project couples basic research with innovative communication approaches and participatory future dialogues.


  • Discussion on the future

Press release: PDF

Cooperation partners

Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI)

Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik (MPQ)

Münchner Zentrum für Quantenwissenschaften und -technologie (MCQST)


TUM School of Education